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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse
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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse

previous entry: something about a platypus, sugar pickles, and Mary Poppins...

next entry: Home too soon...not enough time...

Time is slipping through my fingers


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So, it's almost time. Edward and I are leaving my house today, when he wakes up lol. We'll be going to his house until Thursday. Weather permitting (stupid pending snow storm) Edward will be on a plane to Detroit Thursday night, then on a plane to England where he'll spend the semester. School is sneaking up on me too, I can move back into the dorm on Friday, but may move back in on Saturday instead, depends on how ready I am. Dreading this weekend, dreading leaving home, dreading Edward leaving...feels like my heart is slowly tearing apart. I know that he'll come back to me, and that we will talk online, but it's not the same as being able to be held in his arms. We survived this before when I went to England last year, but it doesn't make it any more enjoyable...*sigh* I hope he has a safe trip though and has a good time studying overseas.

So, I've decided to take up kickboxing. I think there is a class at school for free that I can participate in. I think it'll be good for me, I need to get in shape and gain some muscle, I'm so scrawny and out of shape, and tired of feeling weak. Maybe I can find someone to go with me to the classes, and maybe take some yoga too, if I have time.

Not much else is new here, Edward and I had our friends Kait and Nate come up on Sunday to visit. We had a lot of fun, went to some bead and jewelry supplies stores since all of us (except Nate) are jewelers in a sense. Got to watch movies, stay up late and talk and have a good time overall.

I need to prepare for after graduation, since that's coming up in May...not sure exactly what I'm going to do. I want to go to graduate school, but my GPA is just shy of the requirements for every grad school I'm looking at. Thinking of doing AmeriCorps for a year in an art department, but if I can find a job as an Art Therapist assistant/intern for a year or so, I think that would be better for me. So much to do to prepare for life after graduation, and not enough time *sigh* I feel so far behind, so unprepared, not ready at all.

I think it's about time for me to wake up Edward, before it gets too late to drive and still have time to get his stuff ready. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Will return on Friday, have a good week everyone.

previous entry: something about a platypus, sugar pickles, and Mary Poppins...

next entry: Home too soon...not enough time...

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Yea, graduation is coming up crazy fast! AmeriCorps is a great safety net though for next year...I'm doing City Year and it's really a great feeling to know I have this great gap of time where I can then concentrate on grad schools. Good luck!

[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

wow, so much said in this short entry.
go enjoy your man and when you get back on line over the week end and into the next few months, I'll help you with the future part of it.
*blinks* kickboxing? hehe

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]

Ryc - tell me abt it lol

[*~Amber~*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

absolutely... guess we need to reprioritize things & a baby will come along when the time is right. Thanks for your note!

[~The New Mrs|0 likes] [|reply]

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