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by .CattFish.
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by .CattFish.

previous entry: graduation irritation!

next entry: found a kitty cat! +pictures+

whats up buttercup? [.survey.]



Your Name?
--Candace Marie "F BomB" Flanagan [heehee]

--Wee Man or F Bomb.


Date. today?
--June 13

For those in relationships.

How long have you been with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
--1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks, 5 days! [that took me a while...]

How did the two of you meet?
--He was a shift manager at the little restaurant where we worked.

Where did you meet?

What was the date?
--uh... November 2008?

What were you wearing?
--Bellacinos tshirt, jeans, converse.

What was he/she wearing?
--bellacinos tshirt, jeans or shorts, tennyshoes.

What were your first impressions of each other?
--me: "oh thats that other manager rhett. he looks like a jerk. or like he wants to kill himself. maybe hes hungover or something."
--rhett: "thats that new girl. shes cute. but her boyfriend needs to shower."

Were you friends first?

What is your opinion on being friends first?
--i would almost say thats a necessity.

Do you prefer immediate dating?

Are you in love?
--like i never thought was possible.

How much do you love each other?
--a lot?

How much does he mean to you?
--geez. if you only knew.

How do you spend your time together?
--we're always doing something different. fishing, shopping, going to the park, going on drives, eating out, makin loooooove, watchin movies, talkin, playing some kind of sport, four wheeling, shoving each other, swinging, laying on the ground. does it sound like a fairytale? cause thats what it feels like! and i can handle that.

Do you live together?
--no... but that would be awesome! ...i think. lol.

Was it a long distance relationship?
--no i wouldnt bother.

What was the first present you received from them?
--hmm. im not sure. may have been an Easter basket: happy bunny blanket, gum, vitamin water, cadbury eggs. im not sure what else.

What was the first present you gave him/her?
--i really dont know... lol. a frosty float from wendys?

Did you ever write each other love letters?
--heehee. yeah. and leave em under each others windshields while the other was at work.

What do you love about him?
--i dont feel like typing his every attribute.

What do they love about you?
--nor MY every attribute.

What do you find most attractive about them physically?
--oh goodness. his whole... himself is gorgeous... but gah he has a gorgeous, melt away, butterflies, manly, beautiful smile.

What is his name?
--Rhett Matthew Semonco!!!!!!!!

How old is he?

Are they older or younger than you?

What does he look like?
short, gelled sandy brown hair, bright blue eyes, small mouth, dimples, buff upper body, thick arms and chest, cute smidgey booty, athletic, thin legs, he aint real tall, about 5'4"?

Can you insert a picture?

--i swear i shouldnt look at that picture. cause if he werent asleep i would go to his house and jump his bones right now! hahahahahaha!!!!
Or maybe one of you two together?

Would you say you make a good couple?
--omg yes. we're both short.

Do your starsigns attract?
--yep! leo and libra!

What do you share in common?
--religious views, children views, love for each other, athleticism, im gorgeous, hes gorgeous. lol. im kidding. well...

What don’t you share in common?
--MUSIC! and some pasttimes.

Where was your first kiss together?
--oh goodness this gives me butterflies. after the first time i came over, hewas walking me outside to my car and he said... can i kiss you now? and i said... if you wanna. ohhhhhmyyyygooooosh!

Can you see the two of you getting married?
--yup... hes already saving for an engagement ring.

What kind of dress would you like to wear?

Where, ideally, would you marry?
--to be honest, i dont care. he can plan the wedding, i just want the honeymoon.

Where would you like to have your honeymoon?
--cruise (deep sea fishing) to like the bahamas or cancun or somewhere amazing.

For those who are not virgins!

Do you feel uncomfortable discussing your sex life at all?
--depending on who and my mood. i feel totally comfortable with bloopers and sure im in a pretty open mood.

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how comfortable are you?
--right now? on bloop? about... 87?

So. Where did you first have sex with your current partner?
--my grandpas basement. lol. in the morning!

What was it like?
--He was a virgin, not me. i was just kind of on top playin around, and he just got gutsy and... there it went!

When was it?
--August 17th, 2009!

Did you love the person?
--like crazy.

Now, how sexually active are you?
--yikes, i should probably have like a letterman jacket for it.

How often do you have sex?
--like, 4-10 times a week.

Do you have a higher than average sex drive?
--actually no, mine is probably less than average.

Who usually initiates sex, you or your partner?
--him. mostly. i only do a few times.

Do you usually begin with foreplay?
--yeah. normally.

Or maybe oral sex?
--he'll do it to me... and i might just a little. im not a big fan of giving.

Where is your favourite place to have sex?
--anywhere where i dont have to be quiet. lol.

Where else have you had sex?
--my car, ex's car, ex's house, my house, rhetts house, grandmas house.

Would you or have you ever indulge in public sex?

--i have before. yes. lol.


Sex with a member of the same gender?
--i made out with a girl. same night of the threesome, A LOT of alcohol. but im over that crap.

--sex while swinging? sweet!

--no... i wiggle a lot.

Anal sex?
--guilty. lol.

Where is the oddest place you have had sex?
--did i mention grandpa is a preacher?

The most comfortable?
--his bed.

The most uncomfortable?
--my bed. lol.

Best sex you have ever had?
--i dont know. rhetts a mighty fine performer.

Who was it with?

Do you prefer oral to actual sex?
--absolutely not!

Do you give your partner blowjobs?
--ehh... yeah. hardly ever tho. i hate doing it.

Hand jobs?
--ehh. same story.

How much do you enjoy it?
--none. except it does build muscle? lol.

Do you love to receive oral sex?
--mmmmmmmmhm! haha!!!

What are your main turn ons?
--random stuff and im getting sleepy.

Turn offs?
--people knocking on the door, um, i dunno. one im there, its hard to get me away from it. lol.

Are you naughty/kinky/dirty in bed?

Old fashioned?

What are your favourite positions?
--anything. i like crazy stuff.

Least favourite?
--painful ones?

What protection do you use?
--birth control!

Layouts! | Photobucket

previous entry: graduation irritation!

next entry: found a kitty cat! +pictures+

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its super cute

[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

hahaha Yeah, it is pretty funny. I guess they lost some of my confidence in them. lol

[avoir la foi|0 likes] [|reply]

congrats on graduating!

[*[Wind Dove]*|0 likes] [|reply]

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