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by .CattFish.
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by .CattFish.

previous entry: whats up buttercup? [.survey.]

next entry: he makes me so happy. :)




so ive been sick for the past week. i think its like.. allergies and a little mono. i had mono a couple years back and they say it never totally leaves. ive been tired and sore throat and HOT all the time. and when i was 1, i had surgery on my right eye because no tears would come out. and ever since ive had teary eyed problems and when i get sick, when i wake up, my eye is like glued shut cause its all gunky. and its just gross. i may go back to sleep for a little while. im still not totally well.

daddy just called. he got 2 new tires for my car and got both a front end allignment and back end allignment! yay! i knew i heard somebody come in my room early this morning and then heard my keys jingling out... lol. glad thats over with. moms been irritated cause it needed done.

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previous entry: whats up buttercup? [.survey.]

next entry: he makes me so happy. :)

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yay on the 2 tires!!! my parents got me 2 new tires recently! lol parents rock!

and i hope you feel better!!

[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

Ryc that's funni! Lol

[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

That sounds horrible about your eye - you should get it checked out. Maybe there's something you can take to prevent this? (: xo♥

[@ElenaRosemaryStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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