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*Kate*'s Diary
by *Kate*
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*Kate*'s Diary
by *Kate*

previous entry: My Fucked up Life As a 25 year old

next entry: My Fucked up Life As a 25 year old part 2

just a lil something i wrote for all to read let me know what u think


Tears of hate fall from my face
When you look at me with a glare
Yet some people still trustyou
I cant stand you
You look at me with fear behind your eyes
I will never forgive you.
If they do. I will not
You wont answer my callS
Or my emails.
To me that tells me that your
Not a friend to anyone
Yet the love in you is what i fell in love with
Still haunting me day and night
but i will never forgive you
for hurting me

previous entry: My Fucked up Life As a 25 year old

next entry: My Fucked up Life As a 25 year old part 2

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I'd say it sure doesn't sound very healthy. Crippling yourself with hate and unforgiveness? Why would you do that to yourself? To forgive another person does not benefit them as much as it does your own healing. People hold grudges thinking they're punishing the other person; actually they're only hurting themselves. That other person probably couldn't care less whether or not you hate them.
I'd just forgive the person (sincerely) and move on. I wouldn't let them have that power over me.


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