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Mrs DeJournett's Diary
by Mrs DeJournett
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Mrs DeJournett's Diary
by Mrs DeJournett

next entry: .:21:. Birthday Present to Myself

.:20:. Drama, Drama, Drama


I'm having all sorts of troubles regularly updating. Oh well.

Well, me and Brian got into it Wednesday. Bad. He got mad becuase I asked for his "weekly rent" that I depend on. It was 2 days late, and I didn't attack him or anything. Just said I really needed because we were out of food and everything. He went off saying if I hadn't asked to go pay the electric bill, which was due to get shut off any minute, on Monday, then he would've gotten me the money. I asked him 3 days before that if he minded and he said no. That morning, I showed up with breakfast. I had like 20 bucks, and was expecting to get his fifty, so I wasn't worried about. He said I sat there for 45 minutes before work and ate a damn Frisco, blah blah blah. I bought him some too. What I do with my money, that I work for, is my business. Either way, he owed me 50 bucks. A deal is a deal. I make sure all the bills are paid. Money may still be tight, but I make it work. If i wanna fucking get Hardee's every once in a while, it's none of his concern.

He went on to say he has got to get out of there, that he's to the point of hating me. I get that people get on each others nerves when they're around each other all the time. He also said something about how I'm always asking, "hey I need..." or "can you do me a favor?" Oh come on! I ask him to hang up stuff I can't, or take out the trash, or pay one bill. Nothing too bad I don't think. He sleeps on my couch all day and is on Facebook 24/7. He still don't have a job. My house is an absolute disaster. He even freaks because I exhale my smoke and it gets in his face. Get over it. Shit happens. Thats part of living with people who smoke. I don't bitch when I get smoke in my face. I think I'm being pretty lenient. Am I overreacting or...?

For the past two days, he's been apologizing profusely. He said he just got overwhelmed. He's been fighting with his ex to get his stuff back (the whole reason he ended up on my couch). His best friend died this time of the year a couple years ago and he's been really fucked up over that. Just all sorts of shit. I understand people get stressed. I do too, but I think Wednesday was a bit uncalled for..

More to come later! My birthday is Sunday! So excited!

Also, I won tickets yesterday on the radio to Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood, The Band Perry and Rodney Atkins March 4 at the Opry!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!

next entry: .:21:. Birthday Present to Myself

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Ryc: Feel free to steal I am stealing from a friend posting on another site so I can only go as fast as her lol unless she gets back to me about where she got it lol I have a 5000 one to do after this

[Surveys for Dani|0 likes] [|reply]

Hey, thanks for my coment. where have you been in essex? just been reading this entry, doesnt sound great hopefully things will look up soon! have a great birthday!! x

[maria p|0 likes] [|reply]

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