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Mrs DeJournett's Diary
by Mrs DeJournett
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Mrs DeJournett's Diary
by Mrs DeJournett

previous entry: .:23:. Why Americans Should Care About The Royal Wedding

next entry: .:25:. Baby's Gender Reveal!

.:24:. Flood 2011 (Pics)


Wow, I didn't realize it's almost been 2 months since an update. Shit's getting crazy here. Storms galore. Tornadoes. Hail. Raining constantly for the last couple weeks. No end in sight. They put all of the gates at  flood wall downtown at the Ohio River up the other day, and at this point it's not really doing its job. An entire county just a few miles from here has today only to evacuate. My mom's road is underwater. Ours is getting there. Getting kinda nervous. Might go help sandbag when Jeremy gets home. Here's some pictures. The first one is my mom's road. And the random guy is the governor looking at the damage. If they're all messed up or huge or something, sorry. Stole them from the news channel here.

previous entry: .:23:. Why Americans Should Care About The Royal Wedding

next entry: .:25:. Baby's Gender Reveal!

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[Sincerely apples|0 likes] [|reply]

Yep this was a horrible year for this part of the country. We've had family staying with us because of the's def. been nuts

[Ellen|0 likes] [|reply]

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