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My little slice of the world
by Varan
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My little slice of the world
by Varan

previous entry: My first post…. Again.

next entry: Dark night for dark thoughts

Just feeling melancholy


One of the biggest changes in my life happened almost a year ago. I started a new job working corrections. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Its been a hell of a challenge. Challenges that at times I still don't know how to accept. One of the hardest though isn't with the job exactly... it's the constant fighting. I go to work and I'm fighting day by day just to come home and fight with my wife over what seems to be some of the smallest things. It's gotten a little bit better lately but what do you do when every day seems like a struggle and you don't talk to anyone. I have my wife but that is literally the only person. Sorry if this seems whiny but just something that's been on my mind lately. 

previous entry: My first post…. Again.

next entry: Dark night for dark thoughts

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It's gotten way better but its still up and down with my depression and my irritability though. I go back Wednesday, to see what shes going to do since my meds have been upped.

[NerdyGirl85Star|0 likes] [|reply]

They think its my rotator cuff but my insurance refuses to pay for the mri says i need psychial therapy first and im dreading that because its going to be painful

[NerdyGirl85Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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