The Taskbar
Now that the tour of the main page is over, it's time to learn all about the taskbar. The taskbar is an awesome tool that follows you everywhere around Bloop, and it is located on the left side of your screen. It gives you all of the task options you need right at your fingertips!
The taskbar changes depending on where you are on Bloop. Your taskbar is equipped with three icons on the very top: comments, messages, and favorites. No matter where you are on Bloop, you will always know whether there is a comment, a message, or an update from a favorite waiting for you.
Here's all of the task options listed by where in Bloop you are:
Main Page/Discussion Forums:
Main Page, Switch Diary, Log Out, Discussion Forums, Compose New Entry, Send Message, My Diary, My Comments, My Sent Comments, My Faves, Manage My Diary, Disable Sticky Taskbar, Get Help
On Your Diary's Frontpage:
Main Page, Switch Diary, Log Out, Edit Frontpage, Frontpage, Comments, Profile, Latest Entry, Discussion Forums, Compose New Entry, Send Message, My Diary, My Comments, My Sent Comments, My Faves, Manage My Diary, Disable Sticky Taskbar, Get Help
In Your Own Entry:
Main Page, Switch Diary, Logout, Edit Entry, Delete Entry, Frontpage, Comments, Profile, Latest Entry, Discussion Forums, Compose New Entry, Send Message, My Diary, My Comments, My Sent Comments, My Faves, Manage My Diary, Disable Sticky Taskbar, Get Help
On Someone Else's Frontpage or Entry:
Main Page, Switch Diary, Logout, Converse, Frontpage, Comments, Profile, Latest Entry, Discussion Forums, Compose New Entry, Send Message, My Diary, My Comments, My Sent Comments, My Faves, Manage My Diary, Disable Sticky Taskbar, Get Help
What is a Sticky Taskbar?
As a default, the taskbar is set as sticky, or always there. But what if you wanted to hide it when you don't need it? You can do that! Towards the bottom of the taskbar you will see the option marked "Disable Sticky Taskbar". If you click this, the task bar disappears!
But how do you access it when you do need it? That's just a simple as disabling it. All you need to do is move your mouse over your profile icon on the top left side and your taskbar reappears, waiting to assist you. When you move your mouse away from the taskbar it goes back into hiding. If you want to make your taskbar sticky again, all you do is go back to your taskbar and now you will have "Enable Sticky Taskbar". Click on it and your taskbar sticks in place.
Simple, right?
And that is our lesson for today on Taskbars! If you have any questions concerning Taskbars, feel free to leave a comment here. Here is a visual of the different taskbars you'll see....