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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara
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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara

previous entry: hey

next entry: SENTIVE MUCH!!!!!



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12in12-2011 & Writers Workshop[Private]

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Those who were reading the UntitlePrince story... I can't post entrys on here because they are naughty. So, If you want to contune read it. Just leave a Private note with your e-mail adress.

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previous entry: hey

next entry: SENTIVE MUCH!!!!!

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i need to start reading your other diary.
i forgot you wrote.

[jobiki.|0 likes] [|reply]

oh i was wondering whats up cause you hadnt posted anything at all lately. Send it to me when you can.

[JessbabyblueStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Dont like it? Dont read me

[NerdyGirl85|0 likes] [|reply]

hmm want to exchange naughty stories? j/w

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]

What i dont get is why does someone got to make fun of any Celeb? I mean its bullying and its pure bs..just because you dont like a Celeb that someone else does doesnt mean you should be mean that person that likes whatever Celeb it is. I wouldn't make fun of you or any celeb you liked! I'm not senstive over it just said dont like it dont read me. I'm not going to sit here and argue with anyone over the internet either. I just think reason people hate on some Celeb's they are jealous of them...Just saying!

[NerdyGirl85|0 likes] [|reply]

Well you didnt have to call him Justin Beaver in a comment because it was uncalled for.

[NerdyGirl85|0 likes] [|reply]


[NerdyGirl85|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: hey

next entry: SENTIVE MUCH!!!!!

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