so you know how tez claims i put sugar in his gas tank, well i asked him when i supposedly did this and he claims i did it while he was at renzo's cause i did go there trying to get the kids cause i feel if he wants to go smoke weed n what not thats fine thats his decision but my kids dont need to be involve... well im just sitting here thinking like dude is for real slow lol what do i just carry sugar around with me or something? and on top of it he has one of those gas things that you have to pull the lil thing up inside the car to get to open it, did i magically open it too? and hes a huge liar anyway cause he said his car wouldnt start but yet when we went to get the kids his car was miraculousy(sp) moved!!! im doin a lil better today since i got my kids back, but every once in awhile i start thinking about him and cry, its just so hard not to cause we've lived together the past 2 years and im just so used to him being here and now i feel so alone, i know i got the kids but they dont even talk, sometimes i just need someone to talk to n i honestly dont have many friends, he was my best friend
edit- bahahhaha guess who just called me n apologized for accusing me of putting sugar in his gas tank, i dont know why i find it so amusing maybe cause he has never ever apologized for anything and he sounded like such a little kid when their mother forces them to apologize lol
oh n i need some advice, as i stated before i called crimestoppers in regards to the drug dealer that tez had the kids around, cause you can call n anonymously report crimes n all that good stuff well the lady was super nice and told me to call the vice squad if i really wanted something done about it.. well i didnt but im seriouly thinking about it, now dont get me wrong the kid never did anything to me but i cant stand his bitch girlfriend n her hoe of a cousin or the fact that he would take my kids there... now im not a angel what so ever and i used to be a huge pot head so at the same time i kinda feel like i shouldnt do it but i think i wanna do it just cause of my anger with tez.. do u think i should or shouldnt?
