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MaMa To ThE mOsT bEaUtiFuL BoYs iN tHe WoRlD
by MaMa tO 2 MiRacLeS
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MaMa To ThE mOsT bEaUtiFuL BoYs iN tHe WoRlD
by MaMa tO 2 MiRacLeS

previous entry: just a little funny **edited**

next entry: 9/21/09



I haven't updated in forever lol I prob have pics but I don't even know what I last uploaded. My kids are awesome, getting bigger everyday. Montez is 6 months already and big as hell. Kaiden is getting bigger everyday, he has started using the n-word which i hate but thanks to his stupid ass daddy. I quit my job because I went back to work after maternity leave on march 19th and haven't been paid yet so I'm not the proudest but I'm getting on welfare until I can find a new job which is going to be hard but i refuse to work for free. In the beginning of april I finally got my section 8 that I applied for over a damn year ago and I've had a hard time finding a place but I finally found a perfect one.. I guess I'm too picky but i refuse to settle for less, I currently live in a 2 bedroom apartment that is pretty big but getting to small lol and I have a lot of problems with the people who live upstairs. thank god my mom owns this house lol well I found the perfect house, all to my damn self. I'm so excited to move. I will have to post pics of my current apartment and then pics of the new house as well. Um as far as me and tez we are truly done, I'm done with his shit, too much damn baby mama drama with his other baby mama and honestly I'm too grown, if they want to be on the childish shit more power to them but me and my kids will not be involved. But anyway here is a pic of my new house, taken from the audior website

it has a nice sized back yard that is fenced. It's 2 stories plus a basement, and has a 1 car garage. It has a odd living room and a nice sized dining room and a old but nice kitchen. the bedrooms are huge! I'm thinking about giving the boys the bigger room for all the damn toys and plus 2 beds and 2 dressers cause I really don't need much room. I'm absolutely in love with it, I've looked at quite a few section 8 houses and they are seriously junk, this is the nicest house I've found that has actually taken section 8. Gosh can you tell the excitement lol pics of my babies in a min

previous entry: just a little funny **edited**

next entry: 9/21/09

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Congrats on your house

[poker faceღStar|0 likes] [|reply]

congrats on your new house, thats very exciting!

[;*cinderella|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow that's nice! Good for you!


[crazy dazyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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