I went to LA - I've probably written about this.
Someone asked me "what is the benefit to going to different gyms?" The answer I gave (at the time) was "different location, different mood, different feeling".
While that is true- the other (main) benefits is:
different teaching methods!
I've been doing back-squats (weighted bar on your back while you squat) for a while. Almost a year. My Personal Record (PR) was 125lbs.
Last week I learned how to hold the bar differently (lower on my back) and I can lift 175 with no problems!
That's a body-weight back-squat!!!
What this means in a real-life situation:
I could carry someone that is 175 lbs on my back if I needed to. I could also make my backpack for my travels REALLY heavy and have no issues.
woot! Very excited.
Another awesome thing:
I was eating pretty poorly the whole time I was there. I would cook and try to be as paleo/smart as possible, but it just wasn't happening every day/consistently. I thought, fer sure, that all the stupid pastries I devoured I would have gained 18lbs.
nope. I lost 4.
Thanks blistered-feed/walking!