I slit open my heel yesterday during a mud run. It's deep enough to warrant stitches, but because it's on my heel, that would be an impossibility. So instead I'm gimped up for a while.
Things I've learned when you do a mud-run:
1) no matter what you think, you can't be over-prepared.
2) wear plastic bags over your socks and under cleats.... duct-tape your cleats.
3) wear barely any clothing. (skivies and sports bra)
4) wear a swim-cap.
5) bring a whole new set of clothing. (underware/bra/clothes/etc.)
6) bring at least 4 trashbags.
7) bring a med-kit. (you don't know what they will have there.)
8) make sure your phone is charged. (do not bring your phone running with you)
9) eat breakfast before you go running.
10) make sure you have a plan for lunch (or pack a lunch). --- otherwise people get hungry and cranky.
11) pace yourself. Don't go gung-ho running right out of the gate.
12) watch out for rocks! Mud is deceptive and it can hide a lot of things. It's also slippery. Keep low to the ground, know your footing, fast and high feet will be your best friend.