Last night's WOD:
10 rounds of the following:
150m run
10 sumo-deadlift-high-pulls (kettlebell 35lbs)
10 goblet squats (holding kettlebell, squat)
10 kettle-bell swings
I finished it in 20:23
Other people finished it in 26 and 30min.
it was then decided that Kelsey (my workout friend who finished it in 18:34) and I need to either:
-switch to the men's weight and/or
-wear a weighted vest when we work out.
This means i'm getting too strong/fast for my own good and need to make things harder.
-I did 2 unassisted pullups yesterday!
-I did my first "toe-to-bar" yesterday.
(the only thing I love in my life right now is working out. I'm sure this is bad in some ways.) |