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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Kick, kick, kick...

next entry: Beauty...



When you first met, did you think it would end up the way it is?
When we first met [in middle school] I was hoping we'd get married and have babies haha because that's how crushes go! I can't believe it actually happened...!

Is he what you 'normally go for'?:
I don't really have a "type"...

Do/did your friends approve of him?:
YES! They all really like him.

Does he give you butterflies each time he looks into your eyes?:
It's actually ridiculous.

How long have you been together?:
Officially only 5 months.

How long do you plan on being together?:
For a veryyyyyyyyyy long time!

Are you friends with his friends?:
I am aquaintences with them! I'm friends with his best friend, Christopher.

If it came to it, would he rescue you at 3am if needed?:

How many times a day does he tell you he loves you?:
All the time. Seriously every other conversation we have.

Do you trust each other?:

Have you met the parents and vice versa?:

Does he ever take you shopping and spoil you rotten?:
He does. I don't even ask him to!

Ever layed in bed together in each others arms?:

Is there an age gap between you two?:
20 days less than a year.

Has he ever showed signs of breaking up?:

Do you have 'a song'?:

Does he and your ex get along?:
They don't talk. I don't see why they'd need to.

Do you have trouble telling him the truth sometimes?:

How did you meet one another?:
Middle school.

Would you trust him if you left the town for a month with no contact?:
Yes, but it'd kill me because I'd miss him so much!

Hows the relationship been so far?
It's been great. He really does treat me like a princess.

Does it bother you if he doesnt say 'i love you' when he leaves?:
Nope. He ALWAYS tells me, though.

Does he pull you aside to kiss goodbye or do it there and then?:
He kisses me where ever we are.

Have you ever worn his clothing?:
I'm wearing his shorts now

Has he ever asked you if his outfit looks okay?:
No, he's very capable of dressing himself well.

Does he own a lot of shoes?:
He has like 5 or 6 pairs. No where near my 32 and counting

Has he ever asked you to change your skirt to jeans if going out?:
Nope. I haven't worn a skirt around him. He wouldn't ask me to unless we were going somewhere that a skirt wasn't practical.

Ever been in a drunken state and said some things you wish you didnt to him:
Nope. When I'm drunk I tell him funny stories.

What colour eyes would your child have ?:
We'll find out in October! I'm thinking they'll be brown because I have blue eyes and he has brown eyes, which are the dominant trait.

Does he greet you with a hug each time you see him?:
Sometimes. Not always.

Are you the jealous type?:

Does he have a bit of a repuation?:
The only reputation he has is a good one!

Ever been away together?:
Nope, not really.

Do you remember your first kiss with one another?:
In middle school! No, I don't remember. Yikes!

How was it?:
:-X I don't remember!

Do you ever kiss him and wonder if its the last one?:

Would you ever get his name tattooed on you?:
Nope, but I would get his initials.

Would he get yours?:
Again, initials.

Do you love him lots like jelly tots?!?!

Has he ever bought you a gift for no reason but his love?:
Yeah, he's amazing.

Ever stayed up chatting til stupid oclock on the phone?:
Not on the phone... but in person.

Do you text a lot?:
All the time.

Have you ever cheated on him?:

crayon box

previous entry: Kick, kick, kick...

next entry: Beauty...

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