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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: I have no shame, I'm proud of where I came from...

next entry: Randoms!



1. Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?
Yes, I love it! I want to buy one!

2. What's your favorite thing about spring?
Is that a trick question?

3. How hot does the temperature get in the summer where you live?
It's usually not too warm, but last summer it got to the 100's!!

4. Are you wearing jeans right now?

5. Are you currently in a complicated situation with someone?
Nope, not at all.

6. When was the last time you were really grossed out?
I don't really get grossed out very often.

7. Will this weekend be eventful for you?
I don't think so! I don't have any plans really.

8. Are you planning on buying a new bathing suit this year?
Ugh, I might need to.

9. Was the last hoodie you wore too big for you?

10. Did it belong to someone else?

11. Have you ever worn a bellyshirt in public?

12. Have you taken any pain pills today?
I haven't taken a perscription pain pill in my life. I took Tylenol like last week.

13. Are you waiting for someone to text you back?
Not "waiting" but he'll respond when he's off work.

14. Where is your significant other?
At work.

15. How easily do you trust the opposite sex?
I have some trust issues, but once I trust you... I trust you.

16. Did your birthday come yet this year?
Yeah 2 weeks ago.

17. Have you ever taken Ambien to fall asleep?

18. Who was the last jerk you talked to?
Uhhh my step dad? LOL.

19. Did your last ex try to get back together with you after the break-up?
He still texts me on what would be our monthly anniversary.

20. Is your pet currently being annoying?
Nope, he's sleeping on my toes.

21. Do you know someone who has 6 or more siblings?

22. Do you own a snuggie?
My mom does.

23. Do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow?
Probably raining. That's the forecast.

24. Have you gone swimming in an outdoor pool at all this year?

25. When was the last time you used a marble notebook?
A what?!

26. Does your best friend have a significant other?

27. Do you get along with them?

28. What, if anything, has irritated you today?
Waking up late.

29. Who did you last ask for a favor?
Probably Devon

30. Who was the last person to do you a favor?
Probably Devon.

31. Do you own a zebra print bag?

32. Who was the last person to complain to you about something?
My momma.

33. Have you recently caught someone talking a load of crap about you?

34. How much money do you have in the bank?
More than I expected to!

35. Have you ever brought a friend to a family function?
Yeah. My friends are like family.

36. Think of the last thing you ate: did it involve toasted bread?
No, but the next thing I eat will.

37. Is your cell phone within reach?

38. Is the computer your using less than a year old?
Hell no! It's like 5 years old now.

39. Did you sleep well last night?
I got home around 3am and slept until 12noon, but I woke up often to pee.

40. Does your mom buy ritz crackers?

41. Have you ever dated someone who had more than 5 tattoos?
Oh yes.

42. What was the last awful thing you smelled?
I can smell so much more than I'd like to lately.

43. Are you currently hungry or thirsty?
I am both.

44. Who was the last person to blow you off or ditch plans with you?
Not sure. It's been a while.

45. Is there usually something to read in your bathroom?

46. How old do you think is too old to still be living at home?
I don't think it has to do with "too old" I think it has to do with your job status. If you're rollin' a Benz and making over $35k/year and have no student loans... it's time to get out.

47. What color was the last pair of flip flops you wore?

48. Can you do a handstand?
Not now, but I can when I'm not pregnant lol

49. If you're reading anything, is the book more than 1000 pages?

50. How long have you been in the place where you currently are?
35 minutes. Or 11 years, depending on how you're looking at it.

crayon box

previous entry: I have no shame, I'm proud of where I came from...

next entry: Randoms!

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