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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Randoms!

next entry: Kick, kick, kick...



What year was it five years before you were born?

What holiday is closest to your birthday?
Mother's Day.

If you named a band after your birth-month and your pet, what would it be?
May Oliver

Who is your 9th contact in your phone?

Have you had your birthday yet this year?

Why did you go to the doctor the last time you went?
He looked in my vagina with a microscope. Yum.

How old will you be in 5 years?

How about in 20 years?

Where was the last place you went?
Grocery store.

Do you have a twin?

What was the last movie you watched?
Dear John.

Are you afraid of shots?
No, but I'm not a fan either.

What color are the walls of the room you are in?
1 is teal, the other 3 are gray.

How many letters are in your middle name?:

Is your last name longer than 6 letters long?

If you were in an accident, would you rather lose a hand or an ear?
An ear.

Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural color?
I've had purple highlights.

If a gorilla and a horse had a baby, what would the new creature be called?

Does anyone call you baby?

Regular Cheetos or hot?
Depends on my mood. Usually hot.

How's your heart lately?

previous entry: Randoms!

next entry: Kick, kick, kick...

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