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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

next entry: Fifty Nine

Introduction Survey!


Name: Karissa

Nickname: Princess, Riss, Sunshine, Sweet Pea

Location: Seattle, Washington!

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Edmonds, Washington

Birthstone: Emerald.

Birthday: 5-11-88

Sign: Taurus.

Righty or Lefty: Right handed.

Height: 5'3"

Shoe size: Usually a 7.

Hair Color: BLonde.

Hair Length: Probably 6 inches past my shoulders or so.

Eye Color: Blue.

Piercings: Ears x 2 & Belly Button

Tattoos: I have 3. One on my side, one on my wrist, and one on my shoulder.

Siblings: Brandon (24) and Shannae (30)

Pets: A pomeranian, Oliver.

Favorite kind of music: I like all music!

Last CD you bought: Miley Cyrus "Breakout"

Whats in your CD player right now: Miley Cyrus

** Favorites **

Color: Hot pink & orange

Number: 3

Season: Summer

Ice cream: Cookie Dough!

Quote: There are way too many. I don't have favorites.

Band: Too many, again!

Singer: Too many, again!

Song: I have MANY

Movie: Superbad.

Actor: George Clooney, Will Smith.

Actress: Jennifer Aniston, Katherine Heigl

Kind of movies: Comedy!

Time of day: Around noon, I guess.

Animal: Elephant!

Food: ANY! Except spicy or seafood.

Holiday: 4th of July

Shape: Heart

Fast food place: Burger King

Boy's name: I have way too many.

Girl's name: I have way too many.

Word: "FUCK"

Month: May!

Candy: REESES!

Sexual orientation: Very straight.

Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Not yet! Just wait until Jonathan!

next entry: Fifty Nine

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