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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Eyes, eyes, eyes...

next entry: Pet Survey [+PiCTURES]

Randoms as always


From Nickie!
What do you usually drink in the morning? Squirt! No joke.

What kind of toothpaste do you use? Sensodyne

If you’re a girl, are any of your bras uncomfortable? They all are because my boobs keep growing and growing and growing.

Do you ever use Vaseline on your lips? Nope, I use chapstick.

Do you have any clothes that are dry clean only? Nope.

When was the last time you changed your sheets? We wash them twice a week.

Do you ever go through phases where you eat one kind of food a lot? Always.

How often do you get headaches? I haven't had one in a while *knock on wood*

When was the last time you had a hangover? Uhh Thanksgiving 2008.

Do you use bobby pins? Sometimes.

Do your parents use the same computer as you? My mom has a Dell as well... but it's obviously different.

Where’d you get your last haircut? At the hair salon in April.

Do you ever wear headbands? Sometimes.

How do you feel about middle-parted hair? I feel like they work for some people [Chelsea Handler] but they don't work for me!

Which do you like better: peas or green beans? GREEN BEANS!

When was the last time you spilled something on yourself? Just an hour or so ago.

If your refrigerator pretty full? What about your freezer? They're both always stuffed... and the deep freezer.

Do you like Slurpees? When it's super hot out!

Are you stingy about sharing gum? I don't chew gum.

Do you like food with garlic in it? Love.

Are there any pills you take daily? Iron supplement & prenatals.

When was the last time you wrapped a gift, and what was it for? Christmas! All other things get gift bags.

Do you have a favorite type of lotion to use? Curel or Vaseline.

What do the last pair of shorts you wore look like? I'm wearing Devons B-Ball shorts right now.

Did you watch the first season of NYC Prep? No?

How many times a day do you think you wash your hands? A TON lately. We've used a whole thing of soap in a month (between 5 people).

What's the next concert you'd like to go to? Blah.

Do you prefer surveys numbered, or do you not care? Un-numbered because then I don't get annoyed when some are missing

How often do you trim your nails? They grow super long in about a week, so weekly. I haven't done it this week so they're BLAH right now.

Would rather live with a roommate or alone? Boyfriend & baby.

What's your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate Chip.

Do you have a cord to charge your phone from your computer? Yeah, came with the phone.

Am I the only one who hates washing my hands when I'm wearing a band-aid? Annoys me.

Do you watch more movies with your friends, parents, or by yourself? It depends on the movie.

If you're a girl, do you like to wear skirts? I don't really like to wear them... but I don't mind completely when it's warm enough. Skirts/summer dresses are pretty comfortable during pregnancy.

When was the last time you used duct tape for something? *thinks* I'm really not sure!

Did you like watching the OC, and do you still? I've never watched it.

How often do you burn mixed CDs for other people? I don't.

Did you have very much hair on your head when you were born? I guess a normal amount. Nothing special. It grew ridiculously fast, though.

If you have an iPod, what color is it? It's silver but I have a pink case on it.

Are all the phones in your house cordless? We don't even have a house phone... only cell phones... so yes.

Do you have unwanted facial hair? Nope.

Would you ever wear Nike Dunks? I used to!

Don't you hate when you get a twitch, like on your eye? YES!

When was the last time you rolled down a grassy hill? I'm allergic to grass... so it's been a while.

What time of day do you eat the most? All times.

Do you ever babysit? Not since I was like 15, unless you count watching a friend's kid for a while.

If you cook, do you like to wear an apron while doing so? I wish I had an apron. None will fit me right now.

Are you waiting for a movie to be released in theaters? Blah blah.

Do you have your own set of markers, and if so, do you actually use them much? MY VERY OWN SET?! I have FOUR!

Have you ever listened to Sufjan Stevens? Nope.

Do your lips ever get itchy? Nope.

If you’ve had both Kraft and Annie’s mac & cheese, which do you think is better?

Do you know anyone who’s birthday is coming up? MICHELLEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Do you ever lift weights? I used to.

When was the last time you were out of breath and why? Today, walking up the stairs.

Do you put salt and/or pepper on your food very often? Nope.

When was the last time you watched the sunset? When I went camping in August.

Do you know what the word ‘congealed’ means? No & judging by her answer, I don't want to know!

When did you last use scented lotion? Uhhh forever ago!

Do you use iTunes? Nope.

What was the last movie you watched on TV? Piss if I know.

Do you know any songs by Kid Cudi? Yes.

Are there any spray bottles in your house? Well, there are technically. They're from leave in conditioners and such.

How often do people give you their business cards? Like once a year and it's always AWKWARDDDDDDDDDDD.

crayon box

previous entry: Eyes, eyes, eyes...

next entry: Pet Survey [+PiCTURES]

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