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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Beauty...

next entry: Lalalalalalalaa



Your Name?



Date. today?
June 13?

For those in relationships.

How long have you been with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
5ish months.

How did the two of you meet?
We met in middle school.

Where did you meet?
Edmonds Woodway!

What was the date?
Holy piss if I know! Summer of 2001?

What were you wearing?

What was he/she wearing?

What were your first impressions of each other?
HE was gorgeous and I was so attracted to him. I never asked him his impression of me. I'll text him now and ask... I'm curious.

Were you friends first?
We became friends, then dated in middle school. Then we were aquaintences. Then he became my best friend. Then my boyfriend. ♥

What is your opinion on being friends first?

Do you prefer immediate dating?

Are you in love?

How much do you love each other?

How much does he mean to you?

How do you spend your time together?
We do all sorts of boring things! Eat, watch TV, play games, sex it up, etc.

Do you live together?
A few more days.

Was it a long distance relationship?

What was the first present you received from them?
No clue. This time it's Princess perfume. Mmm.

What was the first present you gave him/her?
A clutch for his car. Am I a good girlfriend or what?!

Did you ever write each other love letters?
I write him silly letters.

What do you love about him?
Everything. He's a GREAT guy.

What do they love about you?
He said "absolutely everything"

What do you find most attractive about them physically?
His smile and eyes. Gorgeous.

What is his name?

How old is he?

Are they older or younger than you?
Older by less than a year.

What does he look like?
He's gorgeous. 5'8", brown hair, light brown eyes, TAN!

Can you insert a picture?
No thanks.

Or maybe one of you two together?

Would you say you make a good couple?

Do your starsigns attract?

What do you share in common?
Tons of things.

What don’t you share in common?
Taste in food.

Where was your first kiss together?

Can you see the two of you getting married?
The plan is in 2013.

What kind of dress would you like to wear?
A lace dress.

Where, ideally, would you marry?

Where would you like to have your honeymoon?
It's going to be in Hawaii.

For those who are not virgins!

Do you feel uncomfortable discussing your sex life at all?

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how comfortable are you?

So. Where did you first have sex with your current partner?
His room!

Do you mind telling me who it was with?

What was it like?
It was amazing! I was so surprised, I didn't think it was going to be so amazing the first time.

When was it?
January 10th, 2010. I got pregnant 8 days later haha.

Did you love the person?

Now, how sexually active are you?
Very. Pregnancy hormones and all.

How often do you have sex?
Probably 5-6 times a week.

Do you have a higher than average sex drive?
I always have. When we first started sleeping together it was literally at least 3 times/day. Now that I have a belly it's a little harder and much more tiring!

Who usually initiates sex, you or your partner?
50/50. He knows all my signs now, so it's mutual.

Do you usually begin with foreplay?

Or maybe oral sex?
I can't really give it to him right now... but he can/does to me!

Where is your favourite place to have sex?
The bed right now!

Where else have you had sex?
...Everywhere in the apartment.

Would you or have you ever indulge in public sex?



Sex with a member of the same gender?



Anal sex?

Where is the oddest place you have had sex?
With Devon? Probably just the deck.

The most comfortable?

The most uncomfortable?

Best sex you have ever had?

Who was it with?

Do you prefer oral to actual sex?

Do you give your partner blowjobs?
Not anymore thanks to this excellent gag reflex I've developed.

Hand jobs?

How much do you enjoy it?
I enjoy his reactions much more than I enjoy performing.

Do you love to receive oral sex?
I do.

What are your main turn ons?
He knows.

Turn offs?
Lack of hygiene!

Are you naughty/kinky/dirty in bed?
Not really.

Old fashioned?

What are your favourite positions?
None I can do pregnant!

Least favourite?
I surprisingly hate standing up!

What protection do you use?

crayon box

previous entry: Beauty...

next entry: Lalalalalalalaa

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im gunna copy thissss! random: that question about the present and you were like, "a clutch for his car..." is hilarious.

[.CattFish.|0 likes] [|reply]

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