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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Un-numbered

next entry: Eighty One?



Is there anyone in your life that you couldn't survive without?
I think I could survive without them... but I wouldn't want to.

When was the last time someone saw you completely naked?
Sometime in December.

Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Not every person, every time.

How many times have you been dumped?
I guess like 4. LOL.

When is the last time you wore a dress?
December for the Christmas Party.

If you were pregnant, who would be the first person you told?
Jonathan!!! I'd call him right away. & if I couldn't get ahold of him, I'd have to lock myself in my room with my cell phone turned off so I didn't tell anyone else.

If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, are you more alike or different?
We are very different but completely understanding of each other.

Is the sun shining?
Hell no. It's gross & foggy outside.

Do you ever make the first move?
I have.

What's the last thing you bought from Journeys?

Do you blow dry your hair?
Maybe like 3 times a year.

How old do you think people should be when they first have sex?
When they're ready and responsible.

Are you still with the person you lost your virginity to?
Nope. But we still talk.

If you're a girl, what's your bra size?
Not big enough, if you ask me!

Do you honestly believe money can buy happiness?
It can make you happy!

Who makes you happiest right now?

What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
He's my boyfriend. :]

Do you bite your lips a lot?
I chew on my lower lip.

How do you feel about your first love?
I love him.

Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?
Sam! We can have a completely serious conversation and I can laugh the ENTIRE time.

Where did you go today?
From home to work. From my office to the break room. From the break room to my office.

What brand of digital camera do you own?
I have a Samsung but I use my mom's Casio.

What do you think about people who party a lot?
It depends on how they live their lives. I know a few people that party a lot but are still responsible. Others who party too much and don't pay their bils.

How many people do you trust 100%?

Honestly, have you ever had a huge crush on a teacher?

What was the last CD you bought?
Britney Spears [for me] and TI [for Jon] at the same time.

How many kids do you want to have?

Ever had an official boyfriend?

Do you ever feel like people underestimate you?
All the time. That's why I hate my job. I'm only 20, but don't treat me like I'm 3.

In the past month, have you snuck out of your house?
I don't need to.

How do you feel about baths?
I feel like I'd rather not sit in my own filth.

Do you have a friend you miss hanging out with?
Of course.

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Just the boyfriend. ;]

Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight?
Of course.

What's kept you awake at night this week?
Not being able to sleep in general. I just can't get tired.

Your current relationship status?
Very taken.

Have you ever had two dates in one night?

Your best girl friend, what's her biggest problem?

What's your worst habit?
Probably popping my knuckles and gum.

Where is your brother right now?
Sleeping, I'm assuming.

What's one word you can never spell right?
Critisim..? LOL.

Are you good at guessing things?
...I guess?

Do you have any credit card bills that you need to pay?
YES. Well, I pay them on time every month, I just need to pay them down.

How often does your phone need to be charged?
Every day because I use it so much.

When's the last time you had a long texting conversation?
All the time. It's basically the only time I ever talk to Kristinna because she can't be on the phone at work.

Have you ever been embarrassed to buy something?

Do you handle things well?
It depends on what it is...

When was the last time you thought you were beautiful/handsome?
This morning :]

What do you want more than anything?
To be in my bed sleeping.

What is the first memory you have with the person you like?
The very first time I saw him.

If you were to drop dead tomorrow, would it matter?
Not to me, because I'd be dead. It'd probably hurt to drop though...

Have you ever taken a survey while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
No. I want to though. Bring on the rum!

Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself?
If it makes someone I care about smile.

Do you think with your head or your heart?
Both. I usually think with my heart and Sam thinks with our head. *nods*

Do you need to wear make up before you go out of the house everytime?
Nope. I'm kind of lame.

What's some bad news you received lately?
Oh, just the fact that I have to be at my job.

Who is the last person you usually think about before you fall asleep?
It's usually Jon, but for the simple fact that I fall asleep on the phone with him every night.

How old is the last person you kissed?

Are you growing apart from someone close?
I guess, but not really.

How many drinks does it take before you get drunk?
I'm not sure... I don't think I've ever counted. I do know it depends on the night. I can take like 4 shots before I'm drunk... but I can have like 9 before I puke. HAHA.

Who in your life has cursed at you the most?
Probably Sam. haha!

Have you ever been in a car accident?

Where is the last place you held hands?
The airport.

Do you like men who wear pink shirts and flip-flops?
I'm not a fan...

previous entry: Un-numbered

next entry: Eighty One?

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"Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?
Sam! We can have a completely serious conversation and I can laugh the ENTIRE time."

"Who in your life has cursed at you the most?
Probably Sam. haha!"

It's true. We are THAT amazing...and I swear THAT often...haha

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