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Writing is not only in your soul but in your veins
by Written.In.Blood
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Writing is not only in your soul but in your veins
by Written.In.Blood

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[Short Story]The Flower Suck in the Fork in the Road [Working Title]


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Short Story 2011

The Flower Suck in the Fork in the Road [Working Title]

One funny thing that happens in life is family the ever evolving, caring, changing, and annoying family. Change; when you become an Aunt for an Uncle you are put in the middle of the fork in the road the in-between “secondary” family and immediate family. That your brother and sister are still your immediate family but you are secondary no one wants to tell you anything like you’ve become a young child again.

All this belongs to the evolving family that time always nonstop moving. It happens even if you are not ready. Even if you become the for in the road you are still loved and cared about and even if you don’t understand until you make your own family and as much as you loved them you still believe you the fork. Sometimes you don’t understand why this had to happen and that maybe you should have had the family first. So that you could understand and not feel so secondary.

These thoughts run though my mind every day not every minute but every day once when I end up thinking too much when I start to remember the past when it was just us three, Mom, Jack and I. When the fork in the road was years away and it was just us. This is the time we should cherish and hope we make our own family first even if we are the youngest.

It was when my father decided to leave in his 1990 gray Jeep and lave us forever to never be seen again and I think he couldn’t handle us children and my brother 14 at the time blamed himself. I woken up that night thinking my mum must be alone so I creep out of bed and crawled into hers as she got a surprise her two children comforting her. My mum is a strong women and she let no man like my Father kept her down. At least she didn’t let her feelings show eve so I like those times. The little moments we didn’t need a dad I always knew that our mother wouldn’t abandon us like my father did.

That night we looked into our mothers eyes and it was the unspoken promise that shall always be there. She told us “you two are my little wings” I liked that her little wings and she was the angle and Jack and I were her wings. We are a unit and without us she couldn’t fly and without her we won’t be able to soar on our own. It was also around the same time she would be driving to the store or my aunt’s house and suddenly she say,

“Guess what?”

I or my brother or sometimes both “What?”

“I love you”

Jack would say “Oh mom or we would reply “love you to mom”

But those times faded and different times arrived and now I’m planted like a flower in the middle of the fork in the road. Not that I minded… maybe. Do not get me wrong I still love my niece and nephew they are my world. I am stuck in that fork I want children I want to know what life will bring me a husband. I wanted to thrust my own brother into the fork in the road. Along with his wife and family to belong and apart at the same time to know where you sand and be lost.

I once got angry at Jack it was when he moved out for a few years and got married and my nice was born and they were over for a visit and he forgot where to kept our spoon, and cut like he never lived her before like the house he grew up in was no longer his home that has long forgotten and his house was his home that he never lived her at all. I will not forgive him as ridiculous as it may seem. I vowed to myself that the home I grew up in will always be my home even if I have one of my own I’ll always remember where things go always. I think I would have been angrier if he forgotten our mother. Jack is a man and maybe they forget those types of things?

When my nephew was born I got further in the in-between. It’s just something that happens and it can’t be helped it part of life. That I will never understand. I may like being an aunt but I never saw the fork in the road.

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If I took the time to read you, I think it is only respect that you took the time to read me.
&& I REALLY HATE when one just replies to my notes READ something!

I'll Say when something is Graphic or for Mature Audiences Only.

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