Writing an entry checking to see if my profile icon changes. Those of you who have a Valentine, wishing you a great day with your Valentine. I gave up on that a long time ago after I left my husband of 27 years. Now I'm too set in my ways to ever let anyone near again. Really strange when someone who writes poetry doesn't believe in romance anymore. I can lead people to believe through poetry. Because poetry is the place where I can believe in romance.
I didn't write a poem for today but I did treat myself to a new next generation Yamaha Dolby Atmos Audio Video Receiver. I'm a home theater buff, I have 4K TV's. This new receiver will upscale 1080p to 2160p and play the audio with the newest technology. I ordered it through Amazon. Should be here by Tuesday. Happy Valentines Day to me. I gave myself my kind of diamonds. A great inspiration for another poem .. my kind of diamonds. Yes. NOTE: My ENTRY ICON will not change. Still has my picture.
EDIT: Did you know if you click "CONVERSE" instead of "REPLY" when replying to a note another diarist left you, it will show up on their latest entry. Very cool. You can do that right from your comment screen, instead of actually going to the diarist current entry. I put an RYN: in front of my reply so they'll know I'm returning a note. EXCELLENT BLOOP FEATURE! But must have a paid version I think for this feature.