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MyLife! :D
by Keely.

previous entry: Missing My Boyfriend Already! :(

next entry: Learning To Drive!!

R.I.P. Bear


My dog Bear who I have had since I was such a little girl, had to be put down the other day!
Was so sad! I couldn't even look at him.
None of my family have really taken it too well, so i don't want to talk to them about it as it will just get them upset
However, life goes on, and God keeps testing me....I suppose we shall see whether or of this hassal makes me grow stronger or just ends up breaking me!

previous entry: Missing My Boyfriend Already! :(

next entry: Learning To Drive!!

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It's tough losing animals *hugs* sorry he passed away

[His♥SweetnessStar|0 likes] [|reply]

awww. I am sorry. When you have had a pet that long its even harder to see them go. But if she was in pain then maybe it was unfortunately for the better for her.

As for the boyfriend in the marines. My husband is in the air force . So I get that. He will be leaving for Iraq in July.

[♥ BellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

aww Thank you guys

July?? u dealing with it then?
My Boyfriend will be going for his training in July.

[Keely.|0 likes] [|reply]

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