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In the Twisted Mind of A twisted Person
by x_explosive_x

previous entry: Rage Against the Machine for The UK Christmas Number One?!?!?!

next entry: What Is Beauty?

All These Things.


For Dan.

You make me feel wanted
You make me feel loved
You care about my feelings
You always put a smile on my face
You pick me up when I’m feeling down
You tell me you love me
You hug me and hold me tight
You tell me everything will be all right

All these things you do without knowing it
All these things make me love you back

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previous entry: Rage Against the Machine for The UK Christmas Number One?!?!?!

next entry: What Is Beauty?

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I mean popular in the sense of the general record buying population (not specific groups of fans). And it's not popular in the general record buying population, because if it was, it would be in the charts. Just because a certain number of people like a particular genre of music doesn't make it popular.

[~RedFraggle~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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