A little tidal wave in the big sea.
Okay so got up this morning and everything was fine and ok until me and Elof was playing Gears of War 2 when Elof looked at his phone and there was a text from the landlord saying that we need to get at least £500 to him by 4:30pm today or the flat will be put up for auction which neither us nor the landlord wants to happen. Now we have been having a few problems with back payment from Housing Benefit which still needs to be sorted and because it hasn't been this has made us late with the payments to the landlord by one month. Now as far as we know and can tell he is trying to badger the money out of us as we have rung round everywhere (including Housing Benefits) and they all say that what he is doing is illegal so we are ok if we can get him the money over the weekend as ELof wants to show him that we can pay him but he should know how the benefits agencies can fuck people around and that he took this risk when he accepted DSS. GGGRRRRRRR>
On another note just waiting to here from the Baz Man as to when we can go down and see both him and Holly =D can't wait.
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