Maybe i will continue with this
she stood there frozen to the spot. She turned to her head to the left just to look at where the bright, white light was coming from. Her eyes wide with fear.
For a split second all that you could hear was the wind whistling through the rather long grass and through the branches from the over head trees and bushes which lined the side of the dark, empty road. Then came the sound of tires screeching to a halt.
The car stop so suddenly that instead of just stopping, the back of the car spun out and knocked the woman over.
The driver, still in the car and shaking with shock, slowly opened the door and stood up to see if she was okay. But as he focused on the lifeless, pale body of the woman he hurd a rustling next to him.
As he looked towards the noise, a claw-like hand suddenly reached out towards the young driver and grabbed him, pulling him into the dark foliage.