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Humanity's last hope's Diary
by Humanity's last hope

previous entry: Oh no, I've said to much.

next entry: Aw sh*t, son! It's my phone!

Did you think of me? Did you even for a second hesitate in the doorway?


An endless sea of metaphors.
But endless reached a pause.
I see all, but much too late
You beg me closer
with your cotton, cloud caress,
But then you fade.
Are these thoughts my own?
You are mist through my fingers
Deja Vu.
"I can't quite put my finger..."
You pull me into nothing
I'm content.
I'll just float here a while with your head in my lap.
It doesn't have to mean anything you don't want it to.
Its safe here.

There. I wrote something.

previous entry: Oh no, I've said to much.

next entry: Aw sh*t, son! It's my phone!

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