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Humanity's last hope's Diary
by Humanity's last hope

previous entry: Thousand mile wish

next entry: Me and you.

Further Seems Forever


"Do you like the way the water tastes?
Like gunfire.
And you knew, but you could never say.
Then come forth, cause it's coming round.
Beware the water.
You should know, babe. . ."
-Deftones, "Beware"

I'll never admit this.
Found a partial on your bedpost in my head
My shirt on your floor there.
Lips are red, sticky, and wet. Something else.
Something foreign.
I would flatline if you whispered to me
Warm breath on my ear and neck.
"They don't have to know."
The evidence is overwhelming,
like your eyes.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
"They don't have to know."
Again as you sink your teeth into me.
Just relax. Breathe hard.
I'll take this to my grave unless you say it.
My lips are sealed forever.
Like this cold, seamless heart.
I could get lost in here for hours.

previous entry: Thousand mile wish

next entry: Me and you.

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