"...To Draw Infinity..."
And when your words struck me with all the force of the ocean,
I couldn't do anything but shut the fuck up and smile.
I could be destroyed just as easily.
Stunned by Serenity when you Smile So Sweetly.
Seriously. Sincerely.
Such Sorrow. But,
I'm Surprisingly Self-Sufficient
So Stay, Sweetheart.
Stop Stalling.
When you turn away the way you do,
I feel your ice and I'm frozen.
The winter girl.
You're so warm when you smile.
This sun can shine on forever.
Above beckoning habits
Above compensatory narcissistic "friends" who only speak when they need something.
"oh, I'd invite you to dinner but it appears you're already full up on yourself."
Above such unfounded self-worship.
Because I know you'll stand next to me and lend an extra middle finger or two.
Let the gunfire come.
They'll never take us alive.
We'll just stand here and call everyone else douchebags.
"I'm here for you, man."
Because most people are ass hats.
Fuckin' douchebags.
Bags o' douche.
Man thanks for just being a friend above anything else.
You're not a douche bag.