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Humanity's last hope's Diary
by Humanity's last hope

previous entry: There's stuff about sex in this entry.

next entry: Come here. Come here closer to the lung. So I can...SO I CAN...shove her over railing.

I think god is moving its tongue. There's no crowd in the street, and no sun.


"Complexities of Making Crimson Angels"

Welcome to the land of life and high school tennis championships.
Where you've come so far, but it really doesn't mean anything.
And if I were to say to you, "Take this blade in your hand"
Would you resent me for it?
Would you do the same?
"Only if you want."
But no one ever wants.
I wait for the one who needs.
Both sides of the blade.
You've never done this before.
What if we just let it pool up around us
Like the urine of the homeless in the winter?
How long does it usually take?
I feel dizzy.
Take my hand and lie with me.
We'll make angels with our final breaths.
We'll share the last one.
They'll find us this way.
I fuckin' love you too, baby.

previous entry: There's stuff about sex in this entry.

next entry: Come here. Come here closer to the lung. So I can...SO I CAN...shove her over railing.

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