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Humanity's last hope's Diary
by Humanity's last hope

previous entry: Me and you.

next entry: Did you think of me? Did you even for a second hesitate in the doorway?

Oh no, I've said to much.


No. that's not a typo in the title. Its a play on words.

Society begs for things that can be put in a box.
Oh, no. Not this ragged heart.
Things have names.
People have titles.
But this is me, babe.
I'm something else.
Can't fit this in a box.
And now they've opened my panel with a screwdriver and tried to steal my secrets.
All I have.
So I think I'll cover my mouth.
Because surely you'll do the same when you come home to find all these ripples they've made in our water.
"The place has been vandalized!"
And I don't think I can stand to watch you go.
"Beware the Water..."

"Be a simple kind of man. Be something you love and understand."

previous entry: Me and you.

next entry: Did you think of me? Did you even for a second hesitate in the doorway?

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Like I said before. Bestie. (:

[sling x inkStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I like this.

[The Spirit|0 likes] [|reply]

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