You're such a damn asshole. I know its damn truck, and I know I'm only sixteen and I need to get my rest so I can get good grades in school, but I don't give a fucking shit. I am sixteen, I know how to drive, I can take care of myself. All I need is a job, and I'd be set, I could live on my own if I wanted, but that would never work, because if I left, you would die inside and I couldn't deal with the pain of being the one that caused it.
But fuck you. I hate you right now.
I want to fucking punch you in the god damned throat.
My fucking best friend is in the hospital, and you won't let me take the truck to go see her, because its too late??? IT WAS LIKE SEVEN FUCKING THIRTY!!!!!!!
Tomorrow morning, my feelings may be different, they may not be, but right now I'm severely pissed the fuck off.
You're a dick. And I want to punch holes in your house to piss you off. |