Fucking great.
I smelled it at two, and went to the stove, made sure they were all turned off, even turned them back on and then back off to make sure. Thought it was ok because I stopped smelling it.
Went back to my room with my friend who is now gone because it started making her nauseas.
Anywho, so I go to my parents bedroom and knock on the door, twice, and I hear aoifdjasl;kdjfla;skdjf what is it?
"I think there is a gas leak"
"I'm coming...... Gosh I'm tired..... It doesn't seem that bad, not bad enough to do anything at least, but Karen did say she smelled it when I opened the door."
Now that last comment makes it seem kind of bad when you say it doesn't seem that bad, but then you say that you're wife smelled it as soon as you opened the door........ Kind of dumb if you ask me.
So I get all flustered and.. I quote "Drama Queenish" to try to get my point across.
I go outside to walk Sarah (my friend) back to her car because she is leaving. I come back inside, and as soon as I opened the door WHOOSH!!!!! This horrid wreaking smell of rotten eggs hits my nostrils, and I'm like jesus that smells horrible!!!!!
I mean I didn't want to wake them up, I didn't want to turn into a "drama queen", I didn't want any of this to happen. But it did, because my dad's first initial reaction was pretty much I'm too tired to do anything about it right now.
I mean seriously wtf. I'm not ok with that. I did sort of turn into a drama queen when I said if we all die its because of you...
But I'm worried about my damn family. DAMN!!!!
God I'm really nauseated, and I'm getting a headache... Not sure if the headache is from lack of sleep or the gas fumes.... Damn this sucks.
Damn I say damn too much.
F.my.A |