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rim's Diary
by rim

previous entry: .007. regret

next entry: .009.



i had a pretty okay day. woke up and got ready because jeremy had to be at work by 12. (he works at our college, so i decided to go with him and do some homework). so we stopped by mc donalds because we were running late, and got some food. then we got to school and he went to work and i went to the art computer lab to do some type homework. afterwards, we went out to eat mexican....which was sooooo gooooooddddd. lol

while we were eating, jeremy asked me what i wanted for our 6 month ann. and i said that i dont know, then he asked me what i wanted for my birthday and i said that i dont know. lol he expects me to give him a list... but honestly, i really dont know. :S once we got home i started feeling really bad so i went and laid down, jeremy soon came in and laid down with me for about two hours. lol now i need to work on printmaking... but i dont really feel up to it. i also wanted to dye my hair tonight!!!! blah! i will do it!

i have been tweeting like a mad person

- this layout was made by simple layouts.

previous entry: .007. regret

next entry: .009.

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heartsWhat's your Twitter? Follow me
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[Elena Rosemary|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC- Thanks for the welcome back!

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heartsRYC: What's your Twitter name? Yeah, lazy days can be well fun
♥ xo

[Elena Rosemary|0 likes] [|reply]

heartsRYC: Okay, thanks
♥ xo

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previous entry: .007. regret

next entry: .009.

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