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*Life Today*
by xsweetkisezxx

previous entry: Poor ravens*

next entry: *Rooting for the cardinals*

Boyfriend survey


About him:

His Birthday: September 10th,1986

How long have you been together? 8months

How long did you know each other before you got together? 1month

What physical features attracted you to him first?: his smile,his eyes,his personality

Hair color: light brown

Hair style: right now its short

How did you meet? sent him an e-mail and said he seemed like a great person and things went off from there and we have been together since,He lives 40mins away from me


How serious is it: it's serious

Are you in love?Yes he told me he loved me 5weeks ago

Do your parents like him: they love him!!!!

Does it matter?: yes

Do you trust him? yep

Does he let you wear his pants? no lol

Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep with?nope

Do you like the way he smells: oh yes i do

Can you picture having kids with him: Yes but he told me i can't have them till i'm 29 which is fine with me.

What bothers you the most about him:nada

Does he have a temper? nope

Are you happy to be with him: i am so blessed.

Does he embarrass you in public: hahah he did once but you would have to understand why lol


Does he have any piercings?:none
Does he have any scars that you know of?no

Is he a party dude or stay at home kind of guy?: stay at home

Is he Outgoing or Shy? outgoing

Does he love his mama? yes

Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends? of course!!

Does he sing? haha no

Does he snore? rarely

Is he romantic? yes!

What was the first thing he bought you? no idea i forget

Do you like his friends? yes

Who usually wants to have sex?both of us lol

Do you guys say i love you alot?yep

Do you guys go out on dates still? Yes

What do you love most about him? he's amazing and such a great person

What is your most treasured memory with him? everything!

previous entry: Poor ravens*

next entry: *Rooting for the cardinals*

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RYC: Eva Longoria is on the ABC Series, Desperate Housewives which airs Sunday nights.

I do try to post who some people are, because they might be unknown... I thought Eva Longoria was well known... Sorry about that.

[Hot or Not|0 likes] [|reply]

hahaha. i still have pumba. hes 4 now. hes a good puppy. lolCOMMENT HERE

[&; my love|0 likes] [|reply]

Really? I live about 20 minutes outside of Allentown!
Last year on AI they said she was from Allentown...I guess she moved. Thank God! haha

[♥Calee;;|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm kind of sort of close to Pottstown. lol

[♥Calee;;|0 likes] [|reply]

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