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YarnLovers's Diary
by YarnLovers

previous entry: All about me: Nikki

next entry: woot! two presents down &

all about you: Valerie


What is your name or nickname you want to go by: Valerie. I don't like being called Val.
What is your diary name: .valerie. I'm SO creative. haha
How old are you: 20 years old.
Do you crochet or knit? I crochet.
How long have you been crocheting/knitting? 2 years now.
Which do you prefer? Crochet or knit? Crochet. I don't know how to knit.
What is your favorite thing to make? I don't really do much. My favorite is working on my hug blanket that I've been working on for almost 2 years. I can make hats, granny squares, little purses, and blankets.
How did you learn how to crochet/knit? My grandma taught me. Well, she started to and got impatient, so my mom learned and then taught me. hehe There's also a crochet club at my school where I learn new stuff.
How did you become interested in crocheting/knitting? My grandma. She's amazing.
What is on your ‘I want to learn how to make’ list? A hat with ear flaps! And I don't know many stitches, I just know basic ones.
Where do you buy most of your yarn from? I don't; my grandma has a ton of yarn so she just gives it to me.
What type of yarn do you use the most? Grandma's yarn. All sorts.
Anything else you want to share with us? I'm not super talented, but I'm excited to learn from this diary!

previous entry: All about me: Nikki

next entry: woot! two presents down &

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I... did not know you crocheted. I knit but don't crochet. Together we have mad skillz. *high five*

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