Well its been a shity day with absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
Well actually the day started fine really. Went out to Abuelos this really nice mexican bar last night and had loadsa awesome cocktails and a bottle of wine! Spent the whole night just gossiping, it was really good. Had an amazing sleep due to the just about right amount of alcohol i had. I got woken up though by the craziest rainstorm. It was so loud on my window that i thought someone was breaking in.
Went into town with Hannah but didnt really buy anything except Carnage t-shirts for the end of Feb. Apparently its a superhero theme and like 2000 people are going. I really dont want to go but as i've never been before apparently i have to experience Carnage before i leave.
Then i went to work at 3 and it went downhill from there. My 8 person run got totally screwed and i ran late from my second call onwards. Had to scrape a dead mouse off the carpet at Italian lady's and i got the joy of starting and ending my run with Sam who was in a foul mood and was being really verbally abusive. Mr and Mrs W were sulking with me because i was late to see them.
Got home and Hannah was stressed out cos of the boys and their lack of hygiene/cleaning/general giving a shit about the house. Neither of us managed to do any uni work today and tomorrow im up a 6 to do a 3 hour shift with a terminally ill man in Sharrow. Lovely.
Blues cheering me up though. Hes sat on my back as i lie on the bed typing this. Hes not been very well and i was abit worried about him but he seems to be getting back to his usual self now.
Im off to Meadowhall tomorrow, Hannahs decided that we need retail therapy to cheer ourselves up which sounds like a plan. I shouldnt really as ive got loadsa work to do, we both have! But sometimes other things are more important....like not going insane.
Im watching that t mobile advert on Perez with the dancing people in the station. It rocks.
Later beasts
XX |