Life is crazy. At least mine seems to be lately.
My dog seems to have an abnormal growth in her belly. It's about the size of a medium sized ball so we are going to be taking her to do the vet on Saturday. She seems to be functioning well - she eats well, walks a little funny because of the weight but still plays around, etc. I'm trying to not worry about it because if it was dangerous then she wouldn't want to eat or anything, right? Just stay positive.
Work is hectic. Dog sitting is over which is nice because I need more sleep and these dogs wake up way too early for me. I earned a lot of money from that which was also nice but it's just crazy how many pills they have to take because of their illnesses. Lucky is one of my favorite dogs though so it wasn't too bad. So far this week: Monday I had to work from 2:30-5:30 Tuesday I had to work from 8:30 to 5:30 Today I worked from 9 to 4:30 Tomorrow I have work from 8:30 to 5:30 I'm grateful for the work but exhausted!
My brother graduates from elementary school on Friday. We are all super excited and as a graduation present, we bought him 2 books and a journal. Then we're going to take him out to dinner that day and just hang out. We bought him a casual outfit for the graduation (which is really rockin') while my mom and I are still trying to figure out what to wear for this thing.
I'm finally throwing Thomas out of my life. Just cleaning my life up a little more. He really just wanted some ass and I don't want to be that kind of girl. If that's what he's looking for, then he can just look somewhere else because he's not going to get it from me.
I'm falling in love with Gian Marco all over again. I'm still reading The Brothers Karamazov and I'm almost on page 300. It's such a funny story and that family is crazy. I don't know if I'll finish reading The Journey since it depresses me to no end.
Anyway I'm off. My dog wants some love!
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