I'm not sure where to even begin...
It's crazy to think I used to come year 10+ years ago and then I disspeared for a long time. I was sitting in bed tonight and I thought.. I wonder if Bloop is still around. Here I am, making a new diary and starting over. It's not always a bad thing. I feel like I'm in a point in my life where I need to write things down again. There have been major events in my life that I do not know if I can fully process without letting everything out. I've kept things locked up inside for years and I can't fully function anymore. I am sick and tired of feeling like I am in survial mode...barely suriving that is! A few years ago my now ex husand ending up seperating. This has been a huge change in my life. It still pains me a little knowing I was with him for 15 years and by the end of it, I realized I meant so little to a man who I deeply loved and cherrished. I spent 5 years before sepearating trying to wrap my head around our life together. People grow apart and I think that was ultimatley the case for us. We were together so young and essentially grew up from young adult to mid adult age. When the seperating started I simply state I want to feel like a priority to you and I haven't felt that in 5 years. I was tired of always coming in second or competing with people. The moment he said, "I don't think I will ever chose you over certain people" sealed the deal for me. I was not stating I don't want you to see your family anymore or friends. I was never that type of person with him...but when our marriage and life together came after his family 99% of the time.. it put a huge toll on what I needed and how I felt like my family was always last for things. Near the end of it, I barely wanted to see his family. I felt so much resentment towards them because our marriage was falling apart and our house was falling apart and he didn't care. I hate to say it, but the best months in our marriage was his family being in England. I felt like he was forced to put some thought in us and what was happening around us. Honestly I stopped caring about our marriage after the last time I tried to talk to him about how I was feeling and how I wanted to take myself off a certain mediciation. Obviously the conversation did not go well and blamed me for being depressed and how he was not going to support me in wanting to take myself off medication now that I had a better handle on coping with my depression and knowing what my mind and body needed. The part that still kills me is having dreams about him not doing well and needing me. We have no communication and I don't plan ever trying to communicate with him.. Last month I spoke with my best friend and said I am actually worried about him due to the reoccuring dreams I've had about him. If he ever reached out and said he was not okay, I would be there for him. Yes I care about him.. Do I love him? No... I don't have those same feelings for him and I don't think I ever can. Does this make me a bad person? What are the dreams trying to tell me...? I'm trying not to hyper focus on this.
A year after my ex husand and I divorced, I started talking to this guy. He was from Colorado and obviously I'm from Maine. I really thought this was my person. I went to go visit him. He ended up visiting me. The orginal plan was for me to move to Colorado because I wanted a fresh start. I felt like I needed a whole new look on life and start a new life with this man I feel in love with. We were completed invested in each other. It was not in an unhealthy way, but we were in love. Long story short...I never moved to Colorado. I was so close to going. I even had a job lined up out there. Some things happened at home for me and I just could not move anymore. I needed to stay in Maine and he was willing to move here instead. I fly out to Colorado and we drove back together with all his belongings. After a year of being together and seeing each other off and on, which was not easy due to our long distance relationship, I felt like everything was coming together for us. We stayed with my mom for a month while we searched for an apartment. We were lucky enough to find one in this economy and one that would allow a dog. It was small, but perfect. It was my first place without having the assistance from my ex husband and I was really proud of myself. I was doing it on my own and I proved to myself I did not need my ex husband to live. Shit started hitting the fan after two months of being together in Maine. The jealousy started.. I could not hang out with my friends once in a while because then he would be by himself. I'd even invite him and he would refuse to go or say he did not want to go. I was trying to be understanding because he moved to a state where he knew noone. I can't imagine feeling that way.. It just kept getting worse and worse. Everyay I felt like I was walking on egg shells with this man. I did not unerstand why he was being so sour towards me because I always made sure he had everything he needed when he first came to Maine. I wanted him to feel comfortable and made sure I was doing my part as a girlfriend. He did find a job within a couple days of moving here and I was realy happy for him. I felt like the sooner he found a job the better so he could meet people and to stay busy plus we just moved into an apartment together. We had bills to pay. Few more months went by and I found out he was talking to his ex from Colorado and I saw he was messaging her about how she was the best sex he ever had and they would be together if they met each other at different points in their lives. I was hurt. SO HURT. I was doing everything I possibly could for this man and give him a decent life here and he was okay with doing that? More stuff happened... he ended up quitting his job and refusing to get another job. I essenetially was paying for everything at this point and was so bogged down.. My heart was hurting... eventually I had a conversation with him and I said I thought it was best he go back to Colorado because of all these reasons I had and I couldn't handle it emotionally. The mind games would get worse every day.
I stayed at the apartment when he left. It was rough, but I managed to still pay everything myself. I ended up getting a second job on top of my full time teaching career to make ends meet. I don't know how I managed everything, but I did it. I think staying so busy helped me just slowly get over him. Now this opens up the other issue I have noticed. I don't know how to cope with traumatic situations. I keep myself busy so often so I don't have to think about it and just hope those feelings go away. I want to be better about it. I don't want to bottle it up so tight it goes away, but then react a certain way in situations and not know why I am reacting that way. This is my first step. Just putting down my jumbled thoughts and hopefully I can talk about the positives in my life. I dont want this to all be negative..but it may have to be some a little while.