Omg, the background in your box is so colourful, I love it!, but it makes your entry hard to read |:
That's great you're happy with your boyfriend (: & that's a long time to be with someone. Lol. I'm not ready to be with a man for that long yet. xD. xo♥
lol i am sorry the idea in my head going "my EX grandmother is obbessed with me" but i understand you not having anything to do with your biogolical father - (neither do i) how does she make your ex grandma? (just curious) but i have nothing to dow ith my biogolical father's side but his sister (my aunt) and my grandma (shes divorced a couple of times) and i thought i wouild be happy i have nothing to do with the rest of the family ... it turns out... my IN LAWS knows his side... >.< i think i will ALWAYS have some kind of connection with them lol
i just saw one... theres a picture. yay on the ticket, and the slim fast... i heard about it but i never really tried it lol.
iwill be keeping my eye out fo ryour gay marriage a few bloopers (or alot i dk) already written one i know i did.. but it never gets old for me i had a nasty comment or two saying "uhh... someone already did this" and im like "" ill be looking forward to that one!