"I'm not your daddy, and i WILL hurt you." [.pictures.] | 04/19/2010 |
No lie, I miss everything.
Okay, so, the drama for today...
There's this guy, his name is Bobby... And well, he's a little messed up. I mean, deep down, hes a great guy. raised all wrong... alcohol and drugs is all he knows basically. he has VERY, almost dangerously, low self esteem. Hes a grown man tho... he just has mental issues and that REALLY doesnt mix well with alcohol. Well, we kind of took him in. We'll let him stay in our guest room every now and then when hes having home issues. But ever since my brother Joseph moved back in, we havent had room for him.
During the winter, he had written a love note to my mom. so weird. and for me, that was the line. Well, mom and dad both just blew it off. And we havent heard anything like that since. Well, he had come over today cause he was having problems at home. He had asked mom for some of her seagrams... and she said he could... shed mix him up a little drink. and daddy came home about that time and said he didnt need any whiskey. he said that cause joseph was gunna bring him a beer. [this whole story makes us sound like alcoholics... but we're not. lol. just bobby i guess.] well, this upsets bobby.
someone was coming over to look at a 4 wheeler we're selling and he went out to the shop to meet em. one of daddys friends jonathan and his wife and baby came over and was talking to daddy. well, up at the house, bobby was with mom and about an hour goes by and bobby starts pacing... and when mom asks whats up, he says, "who does he think he is telling me how i can and cant handle my alcohol, all he is is a smart***..." and that made mom mad... and she told him not to call her husband names when all he has done is be good to him... and he just got madder and he said he was gunna go tell him to his face... so he goes to the shop and is putting his helmet on [he drives a motorcycle] and jonathan and daddy both say hey. and bobby said to daddy that he didnt need to be telling him what whiskey he can and cannot handle... and daddy said he was just playing around, trying to diffuse the situation. and they kind of repeat that a couple times and bobby calls daddy out so daddy goes and holds him down and tell him that he aint his daddy and he will hurt bobby very bad and that he needed to get on his bike and never come back. so daddy shoves him away from him. bobby goes and gets on his bike. jonathan and joyce are just standing there... not saying anything and bobby says something to jonathan and jonathan doesnt waste any time and goes straight to him and they go at it. so joseph is pulling jonathan off and daddy is pulling bobby off.
and bobby leaves.
and i wasnt home for any of it. it was intense. apparently... lol.
the thing is... mom says now that she should have never gotten mad at bobby and taken up for daddy. i told her she was stupid. i cant feel safe in my own house because she let a mental drunk stay with us and now everything is blown up.
My Paradise.
rhett and i went to richlands va to go to a prom dress store. they didnt have anything i liked or that was in my price range. me and mom and doing prom CHEAP this year. lol.
but i took a lot of pictures on the way back. it is so gorgeous. i know you have your city-folk, and your country-folk. i went to pittsburgh once and loved it... but i really am a country-folk. im originally from alabama. but we moved to west virginia about 5 years ago. but anyway...
when i came home and mom and dad told me that big long story about the crazy people who we live around, it just made me really happy about my life after college... getting married... having kids... moving out to a little farm in the middle of nowhere...
when me and rhett talk about getting married, we're serious... but we're not like, stupid... love sick, idiot teengers. i know we're grown up enough to talk about stuff like that and its not like we started talking marriage 2 weeks into our relationship. i really could see myself with rhett for the rest of my life. but im also mature enough to know that if it starts to crash, that i can end it and not be tied to the fact that "he loves me, we're getting married, i cant leave him blah blah blah." and we're not getting married ANYTIME soon... its not like that.
but we talked about moving to cedar bluff [a little town we got lost in trying to find the store] and i know that it could be a reality. we saw a little elementary school... and so many horses and cows.. just gorgeous... and its kinda close to both our parents... but not TOO close. ya know? lol.
okay, i'll shut up and post pictures.

Home town dairy queen. Rhett took me to lunch and to get an ice creeeeeam!