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Love is all you need 's Diary
by Love is all you need

previous entry: I dont recommend reading this if you are feeling down, it wont help

next entry: CARTMAN TSHIRT



i dont want to be shallow but is it wrong to think someone's cute, then find out when they take off their hat they're bald, and now ur less interested? i feel like i should at least go out with him to see what type of a person he is...he sees really nice and its not his fault he's bald, i mean who wants to be bald? except mr. clean of course. he looks like that choice was his...i'll go on a date with him, i want to, i just feel shallow for focusing on his lack of hair....bah...that and the fact that he is a few years older than me. but hes not old himself, so that gives you an idea of how old i am..i dont know, what would you do?

previous entry: I dont recommend reading this if you are feeling down, it wont help

next entry: CARTMAN TSHIRT

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my husband is bald. we are 12 years apart. XD

[mixie|0 likes] [|reply]

I would totally go out with him! Who knows? He might be the one for you and then maybe you will develop a thing for bald guys! Haha. But in all seriousness, first impressions of the opposite or same sex are pretty much all physical. You shouldn't feel bad for not being attracted to bald guys.that's just who you are! It doesn't make you shallow. I do, however, think you should give him a chance because it might work out in your favor!

[.Kismet.|0 likes] [|reply]

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