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by ♥ Aime

previous entry: Holy Sheet!!!!!

next entry: Of variegated yarn and Orajel


My MIL just called and told me that she has to go to Bangor on Thursday to get an EKG and blood-work done before her surgery next Tuesday.

I asked her if she realized that we are supposed to get a snow storm on Thursday? Did she realize that we are supposed to get 4"-8"? She didn't.

Kev is working on Thursday, and I am NOT driving in the snow. It's not that I don't want to help her, it's just that I KNOW me, and I know that I would go off of the road or anxietize myself into a *fit* if I tried.

So, she is asking her other son, my BIL - we'll see how THAT goes for her. Shawn (my BIL) has a girl-friend that DOES NOT LIKE any of us. Snooty-falooty. She's 14 years younger than us, she's from a totally different generation. AND she keeps Shawn from doing a lot of things with or for his family.

Sigh. Kev may have to take a few hours off from work to take her. We certainly can't let her not go.

She also told me that she told the doctor's office, when they asked her who was going to be with her after the surgery, that it was going to be me. Which is perfectly okay, because I already told her I would - but I told her that she has to come home with me, because I have a doctor's appointment the next day.


I got a letter in the mail yesterday from THE INSTITUTE OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. See, a bunch of years ago (I think it was 2003 or so) I started a course with them. A children's writing course.

I had paid $272 on the account before I gave up.

They tried to get me back into the course by telling me that I only owed $81 - that was the only thing standing between me and a certificate in children's literature.

I didn't resume the course.

The letter said that they would credit me ALL of the tuition that I already paid and all I had to do was pay the $81 that I owed PLUS a reinstatement fee of $39.

Sounds cool, right?

Well, about 3 or 4 months ago I cleaned out my office, and I threw away the binder that went with the course - even though I had held on to it for all of these years.

I liked the idea of finishing the course, but I needed to find out if I could get the course materials again (because I still have all of the books that came with the course - some of them have never even been cracked open).

I called today, and was told that to get the materials sent to me again would cost me $52, and they would add that to my tuition. Hm.....

Then I asked them how far I had gotten on my course before I quit.

Guess how far? Come on, give it a guess.

I had quit after completing LESSON 3! Yup, I have almost the whole entire course to go through.

My thought is that at least the material will be *fresh* in my mind.

So, my entry yesterday wasn't totally bogus, I AM going to be taking another writing course.

YAY!!!!! I'm sending in my 'reinstatement' fee at the beginning of next month.


Okay, Kev's home. I'm out.


previous entry: Holy Sheet!!!!!

next entry: Of variegated yarn and Orajel

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