Well, it has been a very, very long time...lot's going on in my life. Aaron is going to Job Corps and he is almost finished, looking for a job and thinking about getting an apartment. He has come a long way from where he was the last time that I wrote. Yeah, I'm proud of him. He's actually staying here for the weekend.
Cameron has graduated high school and moved in with us in August. Now I am going through the same thing with him. No job. No car. No life. Sits on the computer all day and grumbles whenever I ask him to do anything. Yesterday I practically had to force him to go to get a few job applications a few miles away from the house. He still hasn't filled them out, but I will give him a little time before I get on him about that.
I got a new job, got my PSS certification last Friday, and now I work a few hours a week in home health care. Tonight they want me to work hospice with a dying patient - I'm not sure how that's going to go, but I know I could sure use the money, so I agreed.
Anyway, time to take a shower and get ready for my first client of the day. Been nice catching up...