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previous entry: rave injuries.

next entry: hate.



Rich is being a little weird. I'm probably being paranoid, but it's just too... familiar. He sends strange, untranslatable messages, avoids direct answers, and doesn't answer when I try to call rather than text.

"It's ok, princess. I've got it all planned out now. Don't worry your pretty little head about it."

And all at once, I think... shut up, wanker, stop patronising me... and what the fuck is 'it'... and stop being so fucking confusing. And if I ask what 'it' is, it just takes a turn into the surreal.

"Exactly. That's the first thing you've got to ask yourself."

I've got to ask myself? What the fuck?! Talk sense.

"Hush hush, don't lose your cool now noonoo."

Maybe he's on drugs.

Part of me wants to go over there - but the other, saner part thinks that only a nutter would show up at gone 1am over 'weird texts'. I don't want to be that person - the one who can never relax, who can't stop treating him like a mental case for one second. But I'm just worried, I don't mean to patronize. It's just tough to let my guard down. So, instead of doing anything, I just come and spray my brains all over this page.

I'm tired.

I'm too tired for this. I hate when my patience wears thin. I can't stand when he makes no sense, I get frustrated with him and I hate myself for it. There's no talking to him. He's just being a git, and I'm too tired to listen.

I don't know why I'm bothering even writing.

previous entry: rave injuries.

next entry: hate.

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I HATE when people play mind games like that.
Thank you!

[Birrrdy|0 likes] [|reply]

well thank you!
Mind if I add you to faves?

[Birrrdy|0 likes] [|reply]

bless your heart. You ought to be exhausted. & I really hope for his sake he isn't on drugs. But that sign points to maybe.

get some rest love.

[Saoirse|+|SiochainStar|0 likes] [|reply]

D: I hope he's not on drugs, geez, doesn't he know that it'll make it all worse?
I hope you are able to relax, but I can see it being hard.

[l'etoileStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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