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previous entry: rave it up

next entry: frustrated.

rave injuries.



last night was too much fun, I still feel rough!

I've hurt my leg/ankle, though, which is BAD since I'm running a 5k on Sunday... oooh dear. I know why - it came flooding back to me - we thought it would be a good idea to pose for photos holding each others legs up, if that makes sense... and we were too fucked to stand properly on both feet, never mind on one.

And then there was maniac dancing. My poor leg.

My friends ABANDONED me at one point while they chatted people up outside, and it made me moody. But that was right at the end, so it was still a good night overall.

Uuggghhhh. I had to work backshift today, only for four hours, but it was the longest 4 hours of my life.

I think my mum's pissed off at me for getting so fucked - all I can say, if she's pissed about the hangover, I'm just thankful she didn't see me last night when I couldn't remember how to undress myself.... or when i woke up with neon smeared all over my face.

Haha. It was worth it, definitely.

previous entry: rave it up

next entry: frustrated.

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RYC: Thank you!!!

[Stephanie|0 likes] [|reply]

xD Injuries aside, it sounds like it was a fun night.

[l'etoileStar|0 likes] [|reply]

what a lovely evening. Sorry to hear you hurt yourself. now go recuperate. hahah

[Saoirse|+|SiochainStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I think it sounds like a blast.
No pain, no gain. Or something like that.

[Birrrdy|0 likes] [|reply]

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