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previous entry: on closer inspection..

next entry: rave injuries.

rave it up


I'm getting taken to a rave, and I've never worn so much neon in my life. Pretty much raided claire's accessories. Love it. Look like Chris from skins, lmfao. My mother saw me, and just asked "What the fuck?" Exactly, mother. Eeeeexactly. Didn't tell her the WHOLE truth - "It's a... neon themed party..." The word rave might make her have a meltdown.

I don't know, it'll be interesting - I don't take any drugs, and it's kind of a druggie environment I suppose, but it'll be an experience at least. I'll just dance. Oh god, lady gaga stuck in my head now.

I'm just writing because I'm booooored waiting for people to be ready to leave.

Laaaame. Why can't people organise themselves? MOVE. MOVE. I guess it's still early, but I want to GO NOW so we can go to a bar first.

previous entry: on closer inspection..

next entry: rave injuries.

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That is so amazing. I hope you had a wonderful time!!

[Saoirse|+|SiochainStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I hope you have funnnnnn!! Dance for me lovely!


[MonsoonStar|0 likes] [|reply]

PS- I like that you're updating more often <3


[MonsoonStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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