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Alt+F4's Diary
by Alt+F4

previous entry: It seems I have found myself!

Ally McBeal, season 4


I was very moved by this, back when it was on TV. I'm not trying to sound lame or cheesy, either- I'm being very serious. Season 4 of Ally McBeal (the season with Robert Downey Jr) came on right around the time that I was in the 8th grade. It was a crazy, transitional time in my life where I was focusing a lot of my time and energy on boys. Who doesn't at that age, though? But unlike my friends, I was too much of a tom-boy to ever actually *have* boys. I had a couple of little boyfriends here and there, but certainly nothing serious (well, as 'serious' as you can be in the 8th grade, anyhow). I guess you could say that I felt I had a lot in common with Ally McBeal, and for this short time, I lived vicariously through her. So when I found out that one of my two favorite actors (and major celebrity crush), Robert Downey Jr, was going to be on the show, I just about died.

*Spoilers, for anyone currently watching reruns of an 8 year old TV series*

I watched every episode religiously. I knew Ally and Larry were meant to be, and I loved his character. You cannot imagine how supremely depressed and angry I was when not only did they NOT stay together, but they wrote his character out completely, and in a very cheesy way. They didn't do it for the show... They did it because Robert Downey Jr had gotten arrested in real life, and FOX FIRED HIM! Seriously?! Even the producer of the show wanted to keep him on for ONE more episode (it was the last one of the season anyway). FOX said no. So they wrote him off, just like that, and left all the viewers very disappointed.

I mention this now, because 8 years later I thought about the show, and what a wonderful Christmas it was back then BECAUSE of the show, and I bought season 4 on DVD. I just rewatched it, and it reangered me, lol.

The worst part of the whole thing is that I looked up the show on IMDB, and one of their "Fun facts" is that the last episode of season 4 was called "The Wedding", because Ally and Larry (Downey's character) were supposed to get married. They kept the name of the episode, but had to rewrite the script because of FOX. On the one hand, I find that really irritating. On the other, it's at least some form of reassurance- To know that the ending the viewers WANTED was actually planned to happen... FOX just fucked it up. So it's not like the show just destroyed his character for no reason, like they made it seem.

I know, this is a stupid rant, but still. It bugged me. lol

previous entry: It seems I have found myself!

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