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Eric's Girl's Diary
by Eric's Girl

previous entry: Scentsy Party!

next entry: No Yarn :(



Lately it seems like every time I try to write about my business on OD the site goes down.

I just posted about the new baby shower special I'm doing and not even 5 minutes later the site goes down.

Let's see, what have I been doing lately?  Monday Alex had a Dr's appt, he is 39 lbs (25%) and 45" (75%) so he's tall and skinny.

Today I've just played World of Warcraft and worked on crocheting some.

I'm also looking for online party hosts for the month of Nov.  The more you sell, the more rewards you earn.  $150 gets you 10% credit, and 1 half price item.  Just go to, click on host at the top and fill out the form and I will get your party all set up!


previous entry: Scentsy Party!

next entry: No Yarn :(

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Why does it not surprise me that OD is still having issues.....
That's why I put my whole OD on private and decided to write her exclusively.

[Randomosity's.HeartStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Tell me about it.. I was reading/noting... arrrugh! So whats this baby shower special??! *ear perks up*

[.java.queen.|0 likes] [|reply]

OD is ridiculous. LOL.

[a beautiful letdown.|0 likes] [|reply]

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